Grantsville –

A gamified metaverse on the Avalanche Blockchain


Grantsville is a gamified metaverse where other projects can build and integrate into our open world, share resources, and help develop our growing city with GVILLE.


GVILLE is the native token for Grantsville, and as a player in our metaverse you will need it to interact with our decentralized exchanges, games, NFTs, and launchpads.


Grantsville was created as a place to host our upcoming missions and games for our first gamified NFT, WenLamboNFT. Soon, you’ll see Grantsville Downs just north of the cities bank. This racetrack is where you will take your WenLamboNFT to participate in games. In addition to the games, there are missions, and these missions will take place all over town.

By the Numbers


GVILLE was minted with a 300,000,000 token MAX supply. Below explains where tokens are distributed within our ecosystem.

3,000,000 Pre-minted for LP

Three million pre-minted for LP to give GVILLE an additional utility from the beginning. We will partner up with decentralized exchanges on Avalanche Blockchain to supply incentivized pools. Put your GVILLE to work right away and start earning other AVAX tokens, including GVILLE.

15,000,000 Mission Fund

Community Rewards are released at .50% per day and locked in the bank vault. Missions will take place in and around Grantsville. Each task will require a different set of attributes, Performance boost, XP, Tokens, other in-game items, and in some instances, other NFT’s from other projects to complete missions. The mission rewards, large or small, will come from the mission fund.

40,000,000 Treasury Fund

Unlocked at .10% per day

Treasury funds are used for the operational costs of Grantsville. Operating costs can include additional LP, expansion, marketing, development, and future Grantsville expenses. The Treasury is an essential part of the Grantsville ecosystem. It will fund growth; innovation and it keeps the lights on.

242,000,000 - Staking Fund

Available to EARN from staking.

The remaining supply is minted by staking your WenLamboNFT. As you claim GVILLE, they will follow a partial locking schedule for the first 12 months of staking.

Using your GVILLE



EARN with Lambo Earn

Get up to 30 GVILLE per day with a maxed-out pit crew and earn distribution rewards right into your savings account every day.

EARN by Completing Missions

When completing missions in Grantsville, you will get rewarded in GVILLE tokens.

EARN by Selling NFTs for GVILLE

Sell your Lambos and more in the Grantsville Market.

EARN by Renting out your Lambo

Lambos will be high in demand... earn GVILLE when renting out your Lambo to racers.

EARN by winning races and matches

Racers placing in the top spots will earn GVILLE on the Grantsville Circuit Racetrack along with other AVAX tokens.


SPEND on a Pit Crew

Upgrading your pit crew unlocks missions and earns you more GVILLE per day.
Get up to 30 GVILLE per day with a maxed-out pit crew and earn distribution rewards right into your savings account every day.

SPEND on Toolboxes

Purchase toolboxes with 3 levels of rarity to boost your Lambo for advantages on the racetrack.

SPEND to Unlock Missions

Enter missions that require GVILLE to unlock multiple levels.

SPEND on NFTs in our Marketplace

Purchase Lambos, music and more in the Grantsville Market.

SPEND on Lambo Rentals

Rent a Lambo that will allow you to complete missions, or a powerfully modded one to win races.

SPEND on Race Entries

Use GVILLE to participate in Grantsville Circuit races that pay out in GVILLE and other AVAX tokens.